Sunday, January 18, 2009


From where she sat, she could see his silhouette against the sky
As she gazed out at the man, she heard the seagulls cry

The ocean waves beat upon the rocky cliffs below
As a distant ship crossed her view with its daily catch in tow

The salty air revived her soul though deep inside she knew
Only one thing could make her smile, the man within her view

The one time their paths had crossed they briefly spoke a word
But she was so enamored, his speech she had not heard

She blushed and rushed onward, afraid that he might see
How much she adored him, this man of anonymity

No one in the village had ever heard his name
And no one even knew from whence this man came

He lived his life in secrecy somewhere along the shore
But all she knew was meeting him had left her wanting more

As the sun began its evening dance with earth each and every night
This man could be seen standing tall in the day’s waning light

Had they not spoken once, she would have thought him a ghost
For the only time he was ever seen was along the sandy coast

Oft her dreams would take her to a time of pirates and gold
She wondered if he were the ghost of some pillager of old

He always stood tall and sure, and she knew he must be strong
His hair was dark as ebony and was straight and very long

Someday she hoped that she would solve the haunting mystery
Of who he was and from whence he came, this man of the sea


1 comment:

  1. I am glad you have started posting what you have composed again.
    I hope you are still writing your stirring poetry. I enjoy reading it very much.
